My Account
The My Account page provides a snapshot of your household, Troops and Events.
Your Household
- A snapshot of your household displays at the top of your My Account page. Household members include all of the girls in your household and their caregivers. Here you see the troop(s) household members participate in, the program age level of these troops, and membership status of household members.
My Troops
- ·A snapshot of the troops affiliated with your household displays on the My Account page.
My Household
All of your household members display on this page. From here, there are many tasks you can complete for household members, including:
- Personal Information Updates: Update their address, school and more under "Edit Details".
- Renewals: Process their renewals for next year or upgrade them to a Lifetime Membership.
- Mid-year Participation Updates: Add/change troops or add volunteer roles at any time.
- Household Updates: Request to add or remove caregivers to/from your household.
- Membership Cards: Print membership cards for household members.
- Any primary caregiver of a girl can log in and manage these tasks for her household.
As the household’s “Admin” you have rights to manage household member information and complete household member registrations. Only household members listed as “Admin” have these abilities. Your login credentials authenticate you as the household “Admin”. As the Admin of your household, you have access to the following features at the bottom of your My Household page:
- Register a new household member: Add a new registered member to your household
- View household membership cards: Print membership cards for any registered member in your household.
- Remove an existing contact from account: Remove adults from your household and place them in their own household; indicate which girls (if any) are transferring to the new household. Council may follow up on this request.
- Assign caregivers to girls in your household: Add new caregivers to your household.
Change Troop
- You can complete a troop transfer for a girl in your household by clicking “Change Troop”. Council may follow up on troop transfer requests.
Add a Troop
- You can add members of your household to additional troops at any time. This will not transfer a member out of a troop but rather increase her participations.
- As the ‘Admin’ of your household, you can renew household members for the next membership year. Simply select the boxes for the members you want to renew and click the “Renew” button at the top of this page.
You must take care to ensure all the desired participations are renewed for each member. For girls renewing to the same troop, the Membership and Troop boxes should be selected. For adults renewing to the same role, the Membership, Troop and Role boxes should be selected. For members who wish to renew their membership only without a troop participation, the Membership box should only be selected.
Renew as Adult
- When girls reach the age of 18 or are in grade 12, they automatically will have the option to renew as an adult. During renewal, household admins can purchase an annual adult membership or discounted lifetime membership for the bridging girl.